I have taught music in high school for over 20 years.
After babies I was lucky enough to have the pleasure of job sharing with an enthusiastic and highly motivated lady. It it thanks to her that my teaching style took on a new personality. I discovered the joy of technology in the classroom and haven't looked back since. To her I owe everything that I have since discovered and experimented with.
We all know that with the development of, and easy access to technology the nature of teaching has changed. Essentially we are still faced with the same job of educating, however, the tools we have at our disposal are varied and much more readily accessible to the masses.
The aim of this blog is to take some of the tools available and to look at their use and validity in the classroom. The Well Tempered Klassroom. Just as The Well Tempered Klavier (two volumes of preludes and fugues compoed by JS Bach; particularly as exercises) exercised the fingers and minds of many keyboard musician, the tools we have to employ in our modern Well Tempered Klassrooms can be used to exercise young minds to creatively and more effectively engage in their own learning journey.
Please feel free to leave feedback and share your own ideas and uses of this technology.
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